Investigation Process


Complaint Resolution

The Board's response to allegations of violations of the Nursing Practice Act (NPA) and the Rules of the Board fall within a continuum of disciplinary action that range from:

  • No Action - if there is no clear and convincing evidence to substantiate a violation of the Nursing Practice Act the case will be dismissed.
  • Letter of Concern - a non-disciplinary warning may be issued when there is cause for concern but there is not clear and convincing evidence of a violation.
  • Non-Disciplinary Consent Order (NDCO) - an educational non-disciplinary remedy offered as a means of protecting the public and helping the nurse to improve and maintain safe practice. Non-Disciplinary Consent Order (NDCO) may be offered in cases where the nurse acknowledges his or her action/inaction in the reported matter is a violation of Nursing Law/Rules and it is agreed that his or her continued practice without restrictions would pose no threat to public safety.
  • Published Consent Order (PCO) - a public discipline action may be issued when there is clear and convincing evidence of a violation of the Nursing Practice Act/Rules. Disciplinary actions include:
    • Reprimand
    • Monitoring
    • Limitations in Practice (Probation or required monitoring)
    • Removal from Practice (Suspension)

Disciplinary Actions will be posted on the Board's website and reported to the following entities as required by law: 

  • NURSYS® - State Board of Nursing linked national databank. Any adverse action on a nurse's license may affect a nurse's ability to practice in another state. Other states may take reciprocal action.
  • North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON) website
  • National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB)
  • Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
Dispute Resolution Process

The nurse may request to meet with the Board for either a Settlement Committee or for the matter to be referred for an Administrative Hearing.

  • Settlement Committee is an informal meeting with members of the North Carolina Board of Nursing, who review the case and provide the licensee the opportunity to present any mitigating circumstances that would suggest a sanction other than the one offered. The facts of the case are not disputable in the settlement meeting. If a settlement is reached, there is a fee ($300.00) associated with this option. If a settlement is NOT reached, the case is referred for an Administrative Hearing.
  • Administrative Hearing is a formal public forum where members of the North Carolina Board of Nursing receive evidence, witnesses are heard through sworn testimony, and make the decision of appropriate sanction based on information presented. There is an hourly fee ($300.00 per hour) associated with this option.
Last Changed: 14-March-2024