Monitoring Programs for Nurses

Alternative & Discipline Programs (AP/DP)

Monitoring Programs
The mission of the Board’s Monitoring Programs for Substance Use is to protect the public by providing a structured approach to monitoring nurses experiencing a substance use disorder and to return nurses in recovery to safe nursing practice.

The Board offers 2 monitoring programs for nurses whose practice may be impaired because of a substance use disorder:

  • Alternative Program for Nurses in Recovery (AP), a voluntary alternative to traditional discipline. Participation is not published unless disclosure is necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public or as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction.
  • Discipline Program for Nurses in Recovery (DP), a disciplinary program for a nurse who is not eligible to participate in the AP. Participation is public information with relevant documents posted to the licensure verification system.
Objectives of the AP and DP include:
  • Protect the public by monitoring nurses experiencing substance use disorder.
  • Provide a structured monitoring program to return the recovering nurse to safe nursing practice.


An eligible nurse may enroll in the AP or DP by signing a consent order prepared by the Board agreeing to the facts of the case and terms for participation. Upon entry, the AP participant’s license is held in abeyance (temporarily inactive) and DP participant’s license is suspended for a minimum of 3 months while the participant establishes compliance with random drug screening, substance use disorder treatment, and mutual support group meeting attendance. Following the minimum abeyance or suspension period, the participant may be approved to re-enter practice with restrictions.

Any cost incurred through participation is the responsibility of the participant including, but not limited to, random drug screening, substance use disorder treatment and addictionologist evaluation(s).

Successful Completion

Participants must be successfully monitored by the Board for a minimum of 3 years of satisfactory employment in a licensed nursing position or after a minimum of 5 continuous years of random drug screening.


Failure to comply with the program conditions may result in termination of participation and suspension of the license for a minimum of 1 year. Unsuccessful participants must submit evidence of a minimum period of continuous sobriety as defined by the Board’s Sobriety Notebook prior to applying for reinstatement.

Related Documents

The Resource Manual for Nurse Leadership serves as a resource for nurse administrators employing nurses participating in the AP and DP.

The Sobriety Notebook outlines requirements for submission of evidence of continuous sobriety prior to requesting reinstatement for a nurse with a substance use disorder diagnosis following the 1st suspension of the license.


For AP, contact Jessica Tracey, Compliance Case Analyst, at
For DP, contact Candy Elliott, Compliance Case Analyst, at

Last Changed: 10-April-2024